Introduce just 2.00 kg per acre of mixed red and white clover seed to lift the protein content of any medium to long term ley and maintain or increase soil fertility without the use of additional nitrogen.
The clovers in this mixture have been specifically chosen for their performance within a sward used for cutting and grazing. Clover seeds require very little in the way of seedbed preparation as they germinate and establish relatively easily on firm ground.
The mixed red and white clover seed can be broadcast overseeded or direct drilled very shallow into any short, open sward in early spring or mid- late summer (whilst the grass growth rate is a little slower). Harrowing and/or rolling after broadcasting clover will help ensure the seed is in good contact with the soil. It is imperative that the sward is then topped or lightly grazed post emergence until the new seedlings are (at least) semi established. This practise reduces the risk of the developing clovers being smothered by the re-growth of existing grass.