Often quoted as ‘The Landscapers Best Friend’ this all amenity ryegrass mixture is ideal for sowing in early spring, late winter or any time in the growing season when a fast, green cover of ground is essential. FAST GROWING GRASS SEED can quickly produce a presentable recovery from bare soil or damaged existing turf requiring reinstatement before a property sale, social function or public/private event. The essential ingredient of BL4 is Amenity Ryegrass which can germinate faster and at lower temperatures compared to most other grass species. The extra vigour of annual ryegrass enables the emerging seedlings to establish roots and shoots very quickly, creating a green cover, even if the seedbed is not ideally prepared.
Post germination establishment of Fast Growing Grass Seed can be optimised by ensuring ample moisture and soil nutrients are present. On poor quality, stony or free draining soils an equal quantity of pre-seed fertiliser to boost early growth is well worth considering.
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